Our Church Values

Our Church Values

We value christian community.
We believe the local church is an expression of the family of God.

We value the mandate of Jesus to reach all people groups.
We believe that God has entrusted the church with the mandate to reach all nations.

We value the equality of all people.
We believe that all people regardless of race, colour and language are equally important to God and equally accepted in His family.

We value the uniqueness of culture.
We believe every ethnic group has within its culture a unique expression which adds value to the church and that together the combined expression reflects the creativity of God in His people.

We value the grace of God working in his church.
We believe that it is God’s grace working in the community of believers, which causes us to be transformed into the people that God intends us to be.

We value the bible as the inspired word of God.
We believe that the bible is the revealed word of God and that God never contradicts His word.

We value the ministry of all believers.
We believe that God has given all members of His family gifts, abilities and resources, for the building up of the church and for the advancement of the kingdom of God.

We value a creative expression in worship.
We believe that when we gather together it is important to give room for God to direct the meeting and speak to His people.

We value God-given servant leadership.
We believe that God places leadership in His church, which is there for its protection and to help the church fulfil its destiny.

We value building for the next generation.
We believe we hold in trust what we have for the next generation. It is our responsibility to increase what we have in God and to invest into that generation the values and skills so they will be wise stewards of God’s riches.